Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Text a donation to Transform

There’s now a new REALLY EASY way to donate to Transform. 

There’s no admin fee, no commission or running fees and it’s free to text from any network within the UK. So every penny you donate will go directly to us.

All you need to do is text TDPF01 £* to the number 70070, replacing * with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10, depending on the amount you wish to donate.

The donation will be added to your monthly phone bill, or deducted from your pay as you go credit.

Once you've made your donation please complete the gift aid form (that you’ll be texted). This allows us to claim even more, so if you donate £10 we get £12.50!

Please spread the word and get texting and join the growing movement for change

Many thanks

Please note this service is not yet available if you're texting outside of the UK. If you'd like to make a donation please visit our donations page for more ways to give.

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