How to End the War on Drugs:
Building Peace in Latin America
With Danny Kushlick, Head of External Affairs, Transform Drug Policy Foundation
An interactive event with the founder of the UK’s leading drug policy think tank Transform. Danny will describe how the drug war has become an orthodoxy, through securitising cocaine. He will show how applying an evidence-based approach built upon humanity, effectiveness and justice, would lead to a system such as that outlined in Transform’s groundbreaking new book: ‘After the War on Drugs – Blueprint for Regulation’.Wed 9 June 2010, 7:30pm
(This event is free and no booking is necessary)
Bolivar Hall
54 Grafton Way
London W1T 5DL Tel: 0207 388 5788
Regarding cocaine, consider to mention the US Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 which mandated accurate labeling of cocaine-containing products, this is said to have contributed to a substantial decrease in cocaine use.