In a useful new development, the European Commission (EC) has announced the launch of a Civil Society Discussion Forum on Drug Policy in the European Union (EU). The letter from Carel Edwards (Drug Co-ordinator at the EC) states:
"the Forum will serve as a platform for informal exchanges and opinions between civil society organisations in the EU.
The forum is open to any NGO working in the drugs field in the EU and all organisations are welcome to register and contribute to the discussions on the site. Please note that registrations may take up to two days, as the Commission will be validating each participant individually.
The Discussion forum can be found here. For any problems you encounter please email"
The Commission is to be congratulated for setting up a new opportunity. Do pass this on to colleagues in the field to encourage transnational interchange.
The Civil Society Discussion Forum encountered some IT problems yesterday and some of the site was out of order. It's now functioning properly and is open for registration at: