Thursday, February 05, 2009

Reefer Madness the musical (and post show discussion on cannabis propaganda)

The Demon Weed! The Past and Present of Cannabis Propaganda

A post-show discussion and Q&A with Ben Goldacre, Mike Jay and Steve Rolles

Come and discover the fascinating history of drugs propaganda and see how it has affected everything from government policy to Daily Mail headlines. The discussion will be accompanied by a screening of highlights from the original, 1936 Reefer Madness and the audience is welcome to field questions. Come along and join in, or just watch the fun!

About The Speakers

Ben Goldacre is an award winning writer, broadcaster, and medical doctor who has written the weekly Bad Science column in the Guardian since 2003.

Mike Jay is an author, broadcaster and historian who has written extensively on history and culture of drug use and appears regularly on BBC TV, Channel 4, Radio 3 and Radio 4.

Steve Rolles is Head of Research for Transform Drug Policy Foundation, a charitable think tank seeking to bring about regulated markets for currently prohibited drugs.

Saturday 28th March, 4.30pm, Bridewell Theatre
Entrance is free of charge for Reefer Madness matinee audience - CLICK HERE to book your matinee ticket and secure a place at this exciting event!

Presented in association with:


  1. Just to note that I have no idea what the musical is like although it was big hit in the states, has been made into a film, and the reviews at least seem to rate it. It's also selling out fast I am reliably informed. the post show discussion shuld be interesting.

  2. Does everyone get these mad links on Tranforms blogs? What is this Ickaprick tosh - some of it is drug loosely related as well?

  3. apologies for that - i think that there is some bug in blogger whereby if a site of blog links us in a side bar then the 'link to post' is then flagged up repeatedly everytime they post a new blog - even if its completely unrelated. ITs very annoying. i will turn off the links to post functionality until i can sort it out


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