Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Transform granted special consultative status at the UN

Transform has become the first UK-based organisation, campaigning for an end to global drugs prohibition to be recognised officially by the UN, with special consultative NGO status. At its Substantive Session of July 2007, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) granted Transform special consultative status at the UN, joining a total of 67 NGOs in the drugs field(from a total pool of 1279 registered drug NGOs).

Transform can now designate official representatives to the UN headquarters in New York and the UN offices in Geneva and Vienna. In the words of the UN – “the regular presence of your organisation will allow your organisation to implement effectively and fruitfully the provisions for this consultative relationship.”

Danny Kushlick, Transform Director said:

“Transform is delighted to have been invited officially to join the NGO community at the UN. It is testament to the work that Transform has done over the last ten years that we are now considered to have a valid place at the international policy making table. We join the likes of the Institute for Policy Studies in advocating for reform of international drug policy in order to reduce suffering and put in place policies that are effective, just and humane.”


  1. Excellent news! Well done everyone at Transform!

  2. Thanks

    Its taken 4 years and a ridiculous amount of jumping through hoops and filling in forms. Hopefully it will allow us to put forward the pragmatic reform position in the international arena....

  3. Just wanted to say congratulations and thank you to all the team at Transform. This is great news and a step in the right direction.
    Many thanks

  4. Well Done Guys, Good Work

  5. That is incredible! Keep up the good work, I love reading this blog!

  6. what a pleasure to read this news! Congrats and forward onward!!!

  7. Fantastic news. Looking forward to seeing how you get on. Any step is progress.

    Best of luck, behind you all the way!


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