Friday, May 04, 2007

The Terrible Truth - 50's anti-drug video

Another long lost classic from the Anti-Drug archives. Watch out for Chuck, the sharp-suited drug peddler, who leads the helpless young victim from reefers to helpless heroin addiction and depravity in a couple of weeks.

Things have improved, a bit, on the drugs education / prevention front since then, but it has been 50 years so you would hope so.


  1. Offtopic:

    In Bloglines, your feed, even when set to "summaries if available", still displays the entire post with images et al. For those of us on dial-up and capped connections, consider including short summaries or a new feed with just that. It'll be easier to scroll, too.


  2. Cool - ill try and figure out how to do that...

  3. I just had a quick look at the blogger options and it seems that you can only have full posts or summaries -- not both.

    If the size of the feed is a problem you can limit the number of posts like this:


    That would return 3 posts instead of the default amount.

    Or maybe we will try short feeds and see if anyone complains. :)


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