Friday, February 23, 2007

The Blog is having a makeover

The blog had its 10,000th visit today (over 17,000 page views). Not bad given its barely 6 months old and is serving a niche field (policy and law reform) within a niche field (drugs). It is now getting over 2000 visits a month.

(February isnt over yet...)

We may move it from its current basic blogger-template into something altogether jazzier at some point fairly soon, but in the mean time we figured it was due a bit of a makeover. This may a take a few days to get right, so expect a few changes and possible glitches while we get to grips with some new software, and try to make it all look nice and work properly.

I hope you like the changes and THANKS for your ongoing support. Please help us by linking the blog on your site/blog/publications/tatoo etc, and keep on posting comments and sending in interesting material for us to blog. You can also add the blog to news feeds easily - if you need help with any of this let us know.

At some point in the next week we will be adding buttons to the template that allow you to clock blog entries that you rate highly at social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Technorati and so on (these are sites that have user generated sets of links to interesting stuff on the web - the more people that link a certain page, the higher its profile - hey, its web2.0 man). So if you like the blog - let other people know about it.

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