Monday, August 07, 2006

Media muddle science

This article, published on the 5th August 2006 in the Guardian, reveals how susceptible contemporary media are to bad science, especially when it relates to the field of drugs. Ben Goldacre, of, analyses some excellent examples of media selectiveness in the reporting of drug-related issues and studies. Unsurprisingly, the bias is clearly towards highlighting the harmfulness of drugs.


  1. I'm still mystified that the scientists didnt notice they had the wrong drug in that trial straight away. They dosed the animals with methamphetamine at MDMA doses, the reaction would have been obviously different and dramatic.

    We must be truthful about drug abuse, but that doesnt mean we still cant put kids off using drugs. There are a whole host of good honest reasons why young people shouldnt be using.

  2. And of course it comes down to funding. There are huge sums of money available to researchers in the US, but if you come out with findings which the government doesnt like too often you'll find it harder and harder to get money.

  3. The media are not helping in sensible public debate the government use them for whatever drug of the day they are trying to promote as the next killer. I agree with everything Mark is saying.


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