Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Washington Times Publishes Oped Pressing for Policy Change

This Oped, published on the 24th July 2006 in the Washington Times, is a plea to Senator Orrich Hatch to approach the drug war in America in the same way that he had done for "American victim of draconian drug penalties of the United Arab Emirates". Indeed it is a rallying cry to all of the Senate to approach drug policy in a rational and harm-reduction focussed way.


  1. It's The Washington Times, and it's an Op-Ed column, not a letter.

  2. Yeah, that makes a fairly big difference in the States. The Washington Times is the extremely conservative newspaper owned by the Sun Myung Moon organization. The Washington Post is the more mainstream newspaper. The fact that this OpEd ran in the Washington Times is somewhat newsworthy in itself.

  3. Wikepedia, the free online encyclopedia, also states that the Washington Times is owned by the Sun Myung Moon organization a.k.a. the Moonies. It also states that it enjoys only one seventh of the circulation of the Washington Post but is widely appreciated by conservatives as an alternative right-wing message. So, yes, it does seem fairly extraordinary for this right-wing rag to be proposing legalization.

  4. It doesnt have to be strange that those on the right would want legalisation.

    If you are hard-right economically you must hate the massive waste of money the drug war is. And of course many on the far right believe strongly in very little government and a high degree of personal freedom.


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